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Making Shapes w/Popsicle Sticks

The intention of the activity is to make shapes using Popsicle sticks. You can either use the Popsicle sticks to cover the picture to make the shapes or you can use the picture as a guide to make our own shapes with the Popsicle sticks. We went with covering the shapes as trying to make our own was a bit advanced for Derek. Derek didn’t have much interest in the activity. (You wouldn’t know he wasn’t interested in the activity from the videos though) He wanted me to do most of it and then kept trying to leave. He was able to do the activity fairly well so I wanted him to keep going but It took a lot of motivating him to come back and to finish each shape. He then decided he wanted to go under the table. He started counting the Popsicle sticks so I asked if he could count around the shapes. He did the counting part pretty good but didn’t want to make the shapes again. Overall with much motivation and encouragement Derek did complete the activity.

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