Ten in the bed w/Bears
We sang 10 in the bed using the counting bears. He loves singing and has had fun with the other counting songs we have done so I was sure he would enjoy this one too. Derek needed me to help point at the bears and help him count and he would miss count sometimes. I think it was just that his focus wasn’t all there as he is getting pretty good at counting now. He would have more then one bear roll off the bead at a time which he thought was funny. He is starting to get good at recognizing the numbers up to 5 but past that get a little more tricky. Once we were done with a number a took it away to make it a little easier to find the next number he needed. I will definitely play this again with Derek. Overall this is a great number counting and recognition activity and another thing you can do with the bears.
Printable available here (Numbers):
Printable available here (Bed):
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