Making Fruit Salad
Derek peeled and cut a banana. The banana was over ripe so it fell apart on him a bit when he peeled it. He cut some of it himself then we did hand over hand cutting. The strawberries were hard for Derek to cut by himself. We did hand over hand cutting but this was still a bit much. I had him pick the leaves off and then I cut them myself after. We talked about the strawberry sizes and colour. Then he counted them. I knew the grapes were too small and round to have Derek cut on his own and would be hard even with by help so I had Derek pick the grapes off the vine instead. Next Derek was able to sort of cut a kiwi that I had peeled for him. It was soft and Derek could just push the knife down and cut it that way. He was also able to ripe pieces off. The apple was a lot of fun to peel as we have this really neat apple peeler. You put the apple on and turn the handle and it peels and slices it for you. Then Derek was able to break the bigger pieces of apple up to add to the fruit salad. Overall this was a great opportunity for Derek to work on some fine motor skills while helping in the kitchen. He ate a full bowl of the fruit salad plus whatever he ate while he was helping make it.
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