Stuffed Toy Hunt
I took pictures of Derek’s stuffed toys and put them into a grid and printed it off. I then hid the toys around the house for Derek to find. When he found a toy I had him find it on the paper and cross it off. I laminated the paper and used dry erase marker so we would have the option to play the game again if we wanted. Derek didn’t understand the concept of circling or crossing off the found toy on the paper but he did scribble and colour over it so at least we knew what one we had found. After finding most of the toys and matching them to the pictures Derek wanted to play his own version. He wanted to hide the toys for us to find. He will bring out the toy or tell us where it is before we even get to look for it. He is still learning how to play and it is fun for him. We also played a little I spy for the toys at the end. There are so many variations to this activity.
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