Counting Flower Petals
Counting flower petals and matching them to correct number. From some of the video you can see Derek doing his best to complete the activity. You would think Derek is having very little issues and is doing a great job. Dispute what the videos shows Derek did have some challenges with this activity. He kept skipping petals or going to fast causing him to miss count. He does know how to count to 10 by memory though. Also he had a hard time finding the correct number. It was just by chance he got it right or he would just pick numbers until he got the right one not really knowing what one was correct. I understood that this would be a challenge for him and that this is still something he is working on. His interest didn’t last very long for this activity and he just ended up rolling on the floor or under the table. Even Daddy couldn’t help much and they just ended up playing. Some videos show what really happened and what Derek spent most of his time doing instead.
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