Homemade Paint
Making homemade paint. Shout out to MNS Earlyon for the activity. This homemade paint worked for them but our paint didn’t really turn out all that well. It was quite lumpy. Since the recipe required boiling water and cooking it on the stove Derek wasn’t able to participate in much of the activity. He did however like watching me cook the mixture as well as pouring the cornstarch, adding the food colouring and mixing the colours. When it was done and I gave it to him to finger paint with which he wasn’t super excited about. He isn’t big on messy wet sensory play but I thought I would give it a try. It had the consistency of lumpy sticky jello. He did play with it for a few minutes with his hands and then asked for a brush. Since it was thick and lumpy it was hard to paint with the brush. If you don’t have paint this is one way you can make your own. It may take some practice to get the consistency right. If your child likes getting messy with this kind of stuff then I would suggest it but it wasn’t for my kid.
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